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Everything about pet ear mites

Ear mites might affect many pets, and are a common problem that can be very distressing for the animal concerned. Furthermore, if left unhindered ear mites can lead to more distressing and serious illnesses and an unhappy feeling for a cat or dog. For this reason it is vital that the pet owner knows what ear mites are, how to kill them, and what to look for to spot them.

What are Ear Mites? Ear mites are miniscule insects that exist on the blood and nutrients found in an animal’s skin; they appear as, when magnified, crabs and have legs that hook on to the host with some strength. Very hard to remove, the mite is a notably horrible creature that can bring displeasure to a much-loved family pet.

They live on the exposed edges of the ear canal and feast on the debris that we leave there, and are notably contagious, migrating from animal to animal very swiftly indeed. In fact, ear mites might also be spread to human sufferers, but are more likely to be seen on domestic pets and farm animals. It must be remembered they can spread between species – a cat may pass to a dog, or vice versa – and that various animals react in many ways to the presence of mites. Ear mites are a very regular cause of discomfort in cats and dogs, primarily young kittens and puppies, and can cause the animal to itch avidly.

This can cause illness later, as incessant scratching – particularly in cats – might mean causing blood vessels to break, bringing about unwanted infection and a more worrying level of suffering as well as the possibility of lifelong disfigurement. In addition, if left to spread the mites can lead to bacterial illnesses and more, and this has been proven to lead to a rupturing of the eardrum – a painful affliction that leads to deafness in the animal. How to Spot Ear Mites There are several symptoms that give clues to the presence of ear mites in cats and dogs.

The first is the usual increase in scratching of the infected area that accompanies the onset of mites, and this can also be indicated by an exaggerated and violent shaking of the head, as if trying to dislodge something that is clinging on (which is, of course, exactly what the animal is trying to do.) The ear produces wax as a matter of course, and the presence of mites might cause this to be done.

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