5 things a dog owner must know

Having a dog in our home is surely an enjoyable experience. Especially if they've been…

Arthritis in your dog

Arthritis is where you have an inflammation of the joints. And in old age for…

Parasites on dogs

You have to get rid of heart worm, fleas and other parasites in dogs whenever…

Daily dog dental care

Dental care is as important for dogs as it is for their owners. However, dog…

Doga, Today’s dog walk!

Walking the dog is so last season! Playing fetch with your dog is yesterday's news!…

Selecting and buying a dog kennel

There are many different kinds of dog kennels available. The dog owner may have difficulty…

Your dog’s first vet appointment

Bringing your dog to the vet does not have to be a traumatic experience if…

Should I have dog health insurance?

A dog owner without dog health insurance can struggle with unexpected veterinary care costs due…

Hydrotherapy for dogs

An important component in the rehabilitation for ones dog is aquatic therapy, which provides the…

How to get rid of dog fleas

Perhaps, the most common dog health problem is an infestation of dog fleas. Treating dog…