Managing your puppy for safety
Puppies are curious, adventuresome and able to get into almost anything, no matter how secure…
Five steps to follow if a dog or other animal bites your dog
If an animal or other dog bites your dog, the possibility of it becoming serious…
Emergency poison treatment for dogs
There is nothing as frightening as having your dog accidentally come into contact with some…
How you can prevent hip dysplasia in your Retriever
One of the most common degenerative diseases in dogs, especially large and retriever breeds, is…
Finding the right dog bed for your dog
When we choose a bed for ourselves, we take the time to shop around before…
FAQ about dog health
Many new dog owners often have questions regarding the proper care of their new canine…
Tips every dog owner should know
Taking good care of your family dog should be like second nature to any pet…
5 easy tips for identifying dog skin problems
Itchy skin, hair loss, constant scratching, ear and anal gland problems are the most common…
Dog bed – Exceptional comfort for older dogs
While you may have memory foam in place to give yourself a more comfortable night’s…
Dog ear health and care
Some breeds of dogs are more susceptible than others to ear disease. Dogs whose ears…