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Pug health problems you can’t ignore

When thinking of a dog to adopt many people want something cute and
small ergo they think of a pug – compact, cute, flat faced and more
than eager to make you happy. However before you rush off to the rescue
to find your perfect puppy you should be aware of some of the more
serious Pug health problems. The breed is prone to skin problems and
the puppy should be checked very carefully for a form of puppy mange
known as demodex, also the adorable flat face opens the breed up to
breathing problems and eye problems later in life.

Part of what makes the Pug so adorable is their flat face, but it can
also cause a few problems. The shape of the face and the way the eyes
protrude may make them prone to ulcerations if they touch the food bowl
or anything else. This isn’t a huge problem, just something to be aware

The Pug’s face shape can be related to the problem of an elongated soft
palate. In a Pug, this soft tissue at the back of the roof of the mouth
can be longer than it should be, and can restrict the airway. The
wheezing and odd breathing that is common in Pugs can be one symptom.
It may also cause loud snoring and coughing up their food. Thankfully
this can be corrected with surgery.

Sadly, there are two other Pug health problems that are much more serious in nature.

Pug Dog Encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain and generally
starts when the dog is between 2 and 3 years old. There is currently
not much information available about the disease, but it is always
fatal. If your dog has seizures or has trouble walking and muscle
weakness your vet should evaluate the Pug as these symptoms can be
caused by problems other than Pug Dog Encephalitis.

The other is called hemi-vertebrae which is a congenital abnormality.
If your dog has this abnormality you will probably have to euthanize
him. While there isnt much you can do about this, you can avoid the
heartbreak of adopting a dog with this condition. The abnormality can
be detected by x-ray. What happens is that the vertebra do not mature
properly, causing a spinal imbalance. As the dog grows this imbalance
causes pressure on the spine which can lead to paralysis of the hind

Pug health problems are something that any one considering getting a
Pug should think about. Luckily, these problems are not common, so
don’t obsess about them too much when making your decision.

Lee Dobbins

Lee Dobbins writes for where you can learn more about dog breeds and dog care.

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