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Responsible dog ownership

There are dog owners. There are also responsible dog owners. There is a difference. Sometimes the gulf between the two types of dog owners is vast. There would be less friction between dog owners and non-dog owners if the former were responsible. There would also be fewer incidents of animal cruelty, fewer animals in shelters and happier dogs if owners accepted the onus of being a responsible pet owner.

It is true this is harder and requires more work than being negligent. Yet, it is far better for your pet if you accept the true responsibility for your actions. It also makes for a truly great relationship between you and your canine if you know what it is you are to do. Consider the following part of a contract between you and your dog.

1. I will be fully committed to raising my pet. I will not go about training, feeding, walking, petting and other acts in a half-hearted, incomplete manner.

2. I will devote myself to the good of my dog. I will not only spend money but will spend time on a daily basis for the well being and betterment of my dog’s life.

3. I will provide the necessities of life. This includes a balanced diet, fresh water, exercise a roof over our heads and lots of love.

4. I will also make sure my dog has some form of ID on his or her canine body. This may take the form of a tattoo or a micro-chip. It may also be a dog tag. This ID will also reflect and adhere to the requirements of the land. Name, address, phone number, vet number, license number and other pertinent information are my obvious choices. The tag will be firmly affixed to the dog’s collar or harness. I will do my best to ensure it cannot fall off or be easily removed by my dog. I swear I will keep this information current.

5. I will know my dog. Each dog has a personality. My dog has his or her comfort levels. I will try to know where I can take my dog and when it is best to leave her or him at home.

6. I will never allow your dog to roam free outside secure areas.

7. I will know the by-laws and laws of your community. Ignorance is never an excuse.

8. I will provide my dog with plenty of opportunities to exercise with you and with other dogs.

9. I will give my dog plenty of opportunities to socialize with other dogs and animals. I will make sure this is a safe and enriching process.

10.  I will make sure my dog will meet and greet people, becoming socially acceptable and fully integrated within my family, friends and in the outer world.

11.  I will always poop and scoop.

12.  I promise to take my dog to obedience class. If not, I will ensure she or he knows more than the basic rudiments of acceptable behavior.

13.  I will teach her or him proper people etiquette.

14.  I will always have control of my dog.

15.  I will make sure my dog has the appropriate medical care. I will secure the services of a reliable and human vet. I will even go the extra mile and make sure my vet likes my dog.

16.  I will make sure my dog has all the required shots. I will worm regularly, de-flea and groom my dog.

17.  I will be faithful to my pet. I will earn and keep his or her trust. I will provide her with the care, respect and love she/he deserves.

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