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Tips for changing your pet’s bandages

Unfortunately, your pet will likely get injured from time to time. In this case, it is important for you to know how to properly care for the wounds by taking care of the bandages used to protect them. With these simple tips, you will be able to keep the bandages properly in place while helping your pet heal.

Tip #1: Keep the Bandages Dry

The most important thing you can do for your pet is to keep its bandages dry and clean. In order to make certain they stay clean, you should keep your pet indoors and within a confined area. When you take your pet outside to use the bathroom, cover the bandaged area with a plastic bag. Even if the ground is dry, you should cover the pet's bandages with a plastic bag. Otherwise, your pet may accidentally urinate on the bandages. Also, check the pet's bandages twice per day in order to make certain they are clean and dry.

Tip #2: Keep it in Place

Bandages on pets have a tendency to move around a bit. Therefore, it is important for you to check the bandages to make certain they remain in the right spot. When your veterinarian applies the first bandages, watch carefully to see where they need to be located. If you aren't certain about how and where to apply the bandages, ask the vet to explain the proper procedure so you can be sure to have it right.

Tip #3: Don't Let it Get Too Tight or Too Loose

When putting bandages in place, it is easy to accidentally apply the bandages too loosely or too tightly. If you are applying a leg bandage, make certain your pet's toes do not appear to be swollen. Check the area for signs of increased sensitivity or sweating and loosen the bandages as necessary. Also, check for signs of discharge, redness and skin chaffing.

Tip #4: Prevent Your Pet from Chewing

Most pets will have a tendency to chew at their bandages, particularly if they find them to be irritating. You might need to use an Elizabethan collar in order to prevent your pet from accessing the bandaged area. If your pet seems to be particularly bothered by the bandages and tries to lick and chew the area excessively, however, it could be a sign of problems with the bandages and you should check them to make certain they are properly in place.

Tip #5: Know When to Call the Vet

No matter how closely you monitor your pet's bandages, you may still have some problems that require the assistance of your vet. Some signs that indicate your vet should be notified include:

  • Excessive swelling above or below the bandaged area
  • Your pet chews the bandages excessively
  • The bandage is getting wet from discharge or blood

You may also need to see your veterinarian in order to complete scheduled bandage changes. In this case, you may be responsible for replacing the outer layer of bandages, but the bulk of the bandage change is completed by the veterinarian in the office.

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