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When disease hits your puggle dogs

Notice something strange with your Puggle dog? Does he seem to lose his appetite? Does he tend to scratch and lick certain part of his body? When you answered yes to these three questions, then probably your dog is suffering from a disease. For once in your dog’s lifetime, there is always a possibility that he may suffer one or more of the various canine diseases.

Some common diseases can be easily healed as long as immediate action was taken to control it. It is important that you are aware of the types of diseases your dog may suffer in order for you to help with their healing. Listed below are the common diseases most dogs suffer.

Canine distemper – Canine distemper virus or CDV is a viral disease affecting dogs usually 4 months to four years old. It is spread through the air and through contact with infected bodily fluids. Symptoms of this disease include dullness and redness of the eye, discharge from nose, cough, shivering, loss of appetite resulting to weight loss and thickened footpads. Dogs infected with canine distemper virus should see a veterinarian for treatment, usually with antibiotics, intravenous fluids and nutritional supplements.

Kennel cough – This highly contagious disease, caused by virus and bacteria, is characterized by inflammation of the upper respiratory system. Infected dogs spread this disease when they sneeze and cough. This can also spread through contact with contaminated surface and through direct contact. Symptoms of this disease include coughing, sneezing, snorting and fever in some cases. Dogs infected with kennel cough are prescribed with antibiotics to treat any bacterial infection. Cough suppressants are also used in some cases.

Canine parvovirus – This highly contagious disease affecting dogs spread from dog to dog through physical contact and contact with feces. Dogs infected with canine parvovirus experience lethargy, vomiting, fever and diarrhea. As soon as CPV is diagnosed, immediate treatment must be taken to prevent it from developing into a more severe case. Once your dog shows one or more of the symptoms, seeing your vet for treatment is highly recommended. Treatments usually consist of IV fluids and colloids, antinausea injections and antibiotic injections.

Now you know three of the most common canine illnesses that could let your adorable Puggle suffer. Despite the promise of the medical treatment once your dog is infected, it is still best to prevent this from coming. It is very important for every dog to have his dose of vaccine against these diseases. Another preventive measure is to avoid exposing your dog to the possible carriers of these diseases.

Giving your dog a great deal of care will also give him the opportunity to recover from any of these diseases.

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Richard Cussons

Richard Cussons is a great lover of dogs. Discover more about Puggle dogs at Puggle

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