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Diabetic dog diets

If left untreated, diabetes and dogs can be potentially fatal. Diabetes mellitus and inhibits the body’s natural ability to control blood sugar levels. Through diet, medication, and exercise, the dog owner can manage the dog’s diabetes.

Diet and exercise are a vital part of diabetes management for dogs. With proper diabetes management, the dog may live a considerably long time and be happy and active.

The dog owner may or may not notice the initial symptoms of diabetes. Often, a dog will experience more frequent urination and increased thirst when the dog develops diabetes.

Diabetes mellitus must be diagnosed by a veterinarian. The veterinarian may want to do blood or urine tests and may require the dog to be fasting at the time of the test.

A key feature of diabetic dog diets is routine. The veterinarian may prescribe a specific routine for feeding the dog and administering insulin if necessary. Often the dogs daily intake of food is divided into two or three portions given at different times.

Fiber and complex carbohydrates are key ingredients for diabetic dog diets. If the dog should lose weight, the veterinarian may recommend dog food that is low in fat.

Diabetic dog diets need to remain consistent. A dog owner may be encouraged to use only one type of dog food that you refrain from giving the dog treats, table scraps, or homemade dog food that can vary too much in the dog’s diet.

The dog’s weight should be kept relatively consistent. Maintaining an ideal weight can help make the management of diabetes easier. If weight loss is necessary, it should be done gradually over a period of time.

Regular checkups by a veterinarian are necessary for dogs with diabetes. The dog owner may have a number of questions regarding the management of diabetes in dogs. The dog owner should feel comfortable asking the veterinarian any questions they may have.

The veterinarian may recommend that the dog owner to use testing strips to test the dog’s urine for sugar. If the veterinarian wants the dog owner to test the dog’s urine, the veterinarian will show the dog owner how to use and read the testing strips.

Routine exercise is beneficial in the management of diabetes in dogs. Consistency in an exercise routine is considered important. A daily routine of 20 to 30 minutes of exercise is often considered ideal.

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