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Diet for bacterial overgrowth in your dog

The type of treats you give your dog makes a difference in your dog’s diet.  Do you pass out cookies and scraps from dinner, or maybe a piece of popcorn or two?  Junk food for you becomes junk food for your pet.  In fact, some healthy foods for you are not good for your dog.  Raisins are a healthy snack for humans to munch on between meals, but they can be detrimental to the health of your dog.  Keep your dog’s diet healthy even during snack time with treats.

Your dog views a treat as just that, a special treat between meals.  For the most part, dog’s don’t care if you give them a baby carrot, rawhide chew, or Milk Bone.  They are happy to get the snack.  If you find you provide numerous treats during the course of the day, you may need to modify your dog’s diet to avoid maintaining a healthy weight.  Giving your pet a whole bunch of treats sure is fun for both you and your dog, but can lead to serious health troubles. 

Looking at the Importance of a Feeding Schedule in Your Dog’s Diet

Just as important as what your dog eats, is when you feed your dog.  Similar to humans, your dog needs to eat regularly.  Nutritious meals and snacks should be monitored as part of your dog’s diet.  Spacing out mealtimes and snacks or treats on a feeding schedule is a good idea.

Senior dogs rarely need to vary from the typical adult dog feeding schedule, although the dog’s dietary needs change over time. 

Even the treats you hand out as part of your dog’s diet will become part of your dog’s daily routine.  If your dog knows that every morning just before your lunch, you offer a chew bone, he or she will await the daily ritual. 

Establishing a feeding schedule helps to keep your dog’s diet on track.  It is easy to get in the habit of feeding your dog regularly.  Plus, scheduled feeding times will help to predict your dog’s elimination schedule.  When you are potty training a puppy or housebreaking an adult, it can be helpful to have an idea of when your dog needs to go out.  Maintaining a healthy diet and feeding schedule will make your job much easier.  This is also very useful when traveling with your pet.  If you know to expect your dog’s elimination schedule, you will be able to plan appropriate potty stops.  In addition, you will know if your dog is feeling stress by changes to his schedule.  Try to maintain normalcy and routine as much as possible.

Some Proper Ways to Switch Your Dog’s Diet

When consulting with your vet about the change to your dog’s diet, you will want to consider all of your options.  Upon making the final decision, you will want to make the change gradually and over time.  Do not stop feeding one type of diet on Sunday evening and begin a completely new regimen on Monday morning.  Such a drastic change will undoubtedly create some serious results. 

Switching your dog’s diet too quickly can result in your dog having an upset stomach.  Diarrhea is likely to result. 

Once you find a dog diet that works well to promote the health of your pet, it is best to stick with it.  In fact, you should allow several weeks, and preferably months, on a new diet before assessing the results.  This is true unless otherwise directed by your vet.  Some instances may arise when this is not a plausible plan.

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