Obese dogs – How to keep your dog’s weight optimum

Having a good knowledge of the breed of your dog, and what his optimum weight…

Dog food analysis – Answering dog owners main concerns about healthy dog food

Dog owners are concerned about making sure their pets get the healthiest options available when…

Natural dog food diet – Is it better to go commercial or homemade?

After hearing so much about the benefits and advantages of dogs feeding on a natural…

How to put your dog through a diet program successfully

There is an increasing concern among dog owners to put their dogs on a healthier…

Healthy dog food – are there any out there?

Gone are the days when dogs were fed scraps, or fended for themselves in the…

BARF – Is raw feeding necessarily a better choice?

Biologically Appropriate Raw Food, BARF, is a type of diet that focuses on raw meat…

A healthier dog diet – Changing away from commercial dog food

Unless you have been living in space for the past decades, you should know that…

Don’t kill your dog: Understand the dog food ingredients he’s eating

It is often confusing when you go to buy dog food to try to identify…

Putting your dog on a diet for weight loss

Most dogs will begin to be less active and will self-exercise less as they age.…

Knowing the different nutritional needs for different dog breeds

With so many different breeds which come in different shapes and sizes, how can you…