Knowing what dog foods are the healthiest

Having a puppy in the house will likely be a satisfying time, and bonding with…

7 golden tips for puppy dog food

Picking out the right puppy dog food is a hard decision for most owners. This…

Are peanut butter dog treats healthy?

Many people agonize about the safeness of feeding their dog peanut butter. The basis for…

What is for dinner tonight? Per “The Dog”

Choosing the appropriate dog food and dog treats is critical in to the health and…

Dog food ingredients – What is really important to feed your dog

All of us all prefer the best for our pets, so dog food ingredients would…

Should you feed your dog food from the table?

As little as 20 years ago it was still common to feed a dog on…

Selecting the best dog food for your pet

Your diet plays a critical role in determining your total health. The same is the…

Why your dog needs organic pet food

The concern to eat healthy foods seems to equally apply to humans and pets, since…

Your dog and his diet

As the responsible car giver to our pets, we need to be sure that we…

Tips for feeding your dog naturally

Everyone who own pets can give their dogs a healthy lifestyle if the pets are…