How to communicate with your dog

The dog training method you use depends on how you choose to communicate with your…

How not to choose a dog trainer

I recently read comments on a dog trainer’s blog and found it interesting how politically…

Not all dog trainers are equal

Ever tried to look for a dog trainer to help you with your dog? All…

Positive training – Fact or Fiction?

Every year, millions of Americans welcome a new dog into their home, particularly in the…

The dog lady speaks out about dog training

No, animal communication is not magic; but when I make the right connection with a…

The problem with raising multiple puppies of the same age

When looking for a new puppy and trying to decide which pick of the litter…

Learning the surprising truth about pet shops

Pet stops are a very popular place to shop for young puppies and other animals…

Taking your dog’s temperature

If your dog seems to be feeling ill, you may need to take its temperature…

The importance of Chihuahua health

In order to keep your little friend happy, it is important to fully understand Chihuahua…

Tips about Beagle nutrition

Just as we all know that there are serious health problems such as high blood…