Pros and cons of using a head halter
Instead of using a pinch collar many dog owners are trying the head halter as…
Tips for grooming your medium coat dog
If you own a dog with a medium coat, you will want to know how…
The six top things for your vet to check
When you take your dog for veterinarian appointment, it’s important that you give any information…
How your dog eats
Have you ever watched a dog eat its food? It’s actually quite entertaining, since it’s…
Dog food – The choices
Dog owners are faced with a difficult choice when comes to the right food for…
Homemade dog food – How to make tasty dog food quickly
Has the recent spate of dog food recalls gotten you paranoid about what actually goes…
Senior dog health – Excellent tips to keep your senior dog healthy
Senior dog health is something that you should be concerned about, especially if you own…
Questions about dog health – What every dog owner should know
Are you a concerned dog owner? Have you been asking a lot of questions about…
Organic dog food – Should you feed organic food to your pet dog?
These days, going eco-friendly and organic is all the rage, and you can see people…
Dog food allergy – Save your dog from the dangers of food allergy
If you’re allergic to any kind of food, then you already have a good idea…