Discover Labrador dogs

One of the several kinds of retriever, Labrador Retrievers (or Labrador dogs) are currently listed…

Don’t let Kennel Cough affect your Puggle Puppy

Do you think that your Puggle puppy is creating what it seems to be a…

Diseases that can affect a Basset Hound

Now matter how hard you try to keep your Basset Hound dog healthy, he is…

Basset Hound ear care

Their hanging skin structure is the reason why Basset Hounds seem to display sad look…

5 Things you didn’t know about a Boxer

Before purchasing a Boxer--or any dog--you should consider various aspects to decide if this is…

5 Things you didn’t know about a Yorkshire Terrier

Many assume that, because the Yorkie is such a small dog, it will have few…

Living in the suburbs with your Labrador Retriever

The suburbs may be the best of Labrador Retriever worlds, but its environment poses its…

Labradors – Their history and popularity

As origins go, the one of Labradors (or Labrador Retriever as they are more correctly…

How the Jack Russell Terrier Came into Being

How it all began for the Jack Russell Terrier. In the mid-1800's Parson Jack Russell,…

When disease hits your puggle dogs

Notice something strange with your Puggle dog? Does he seem to lose his appetite? Does…