What are the various types of dog fences?

When deciding on a dog fence, dog owners can choose from various types of dog…

How to detect if your dog has allergies

Ok so what are dog allergies and why you should be concerned about them. For…

Dogs – Are males better than females?

Ordinarily, particularly in small spaces, male dogs are claimed by some dog owners to be…

Crate training is the best method for house training puppies

When house training puppies, crate training is the quickest way to get the job done.…

Nutrition for dogs: What your dog needs

Your dog's nutritional needs are different from ours. What we think is healthy, is not…

Dog sweaters

Dog sweaters can be designer or handmade. Whether they are knitted or crocheted, dog sweaters…

Canine kidney disease – Is your dog a sitting target?

Canine kidney disease is a very grave illness that affects many dogs. It can become…

Does my new puppy need a dog bed?

Friends of mine have just become new puppy owners. As would be expected, the first…

Is diarrhea in dogs dangerous?

Dogs commonly suffer from occasional bouts of diarrhea. Diarrhea in dogs is not always a…

Understanding why dogs fight with each other

When two canines in the same household have a dispute, owners are often quick to…