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Different ways to train your dog

This article is written so that you might be aware of the various forms of dog training aids that are available to you. Every dog owner must take up dog training to know and handle a dog better. Appreciating a well-mannered dog is something that all can do, training is what makes things difficult. Now, there are many kinds of dog training available but not all will suit your dog.

Most dog owners and also people in general are unaware of the various kinds of dog trainings provided. The types of dog training change with the varying stages of development in the dog.

While some dogs have never been trained, some others have already undertaken training before. Therefore, it becomes all the more essential to analyze and know what type of dog training your dog needs.

The basic level of training, the first level, is for beginners – puppies, and those older dogs who are being introduced into training for the first time. As the name implies, your dog will learn the basic things such as when to sit, or when to stay, and when to come when called. Its quite elementary, but vital.

The next level is the intermediate level. This level of dog training is not for puppies, but for those adult dogs that have undertaken the basics either formally or at home by their own owners. This intermediate type of training trains a dog to heel, walk properly on a leash, fetch something and return. It also revises the basics of sitting, staying and coming etc.

I am sure that you have already guessed that the next level of training is the advanced level. Although you might think your dog is ready to go straight into advanced training, can I urge you to take at least the beginners or intermediate level training first. The advanced level is, as you would expect, more advanced than the other levels concentrating on verbal and hand commands for sitting, staying, walking to heel, fetching etc. etc.

When the dog gets accustomed to hand signals, the advanced course takes care of teaching the dog how to walk and stay beside the master at all times even without a leash. It also teaches the dog to have focus in its master, that is, to pay attention and stop getting distracted. The advanced level of dog training is usually suited to very obedient and well-mannered dogs.

Now of course, we all want our dogs to learn what we want them to do, and to learn as quickly as possible. I have found that the best way to bring out the most positive results from your dog is to reward them when they get things right. Just a small treat can work wonders. Do not resort to shouting or hitting, this is unacceptable and in the long run does not work, but positive reinforcement by way of small rewards, does.

So in conclusion let me just say that great care must be taken over the choice of course which is best for your dog. Talk through with the trainer all the details before you enrol and this way you will make sure that you end up with a dog whose behaviour you can be proud of.

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