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Housebreaking your Rottweiler

A new puppy can be a fun addition to your family. However, puppies come with plenty of work attached, and one of the first jobs that you will need to complete successfully will be Rottweiler potty training. This process generally begins the day that you bring your puppy home, and may continue for anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months. Housebreaking requires plenty of consistency and patience on your part, but the reward in the end is a dog that does not soil your carpet, and is on the right track for other types of training.

The quickest and easiest way to housebreak most puppies is the crate training approach. The only piece of equipment that is required is a crate that is large enough to house your dog, but not so large that he will think it’s okay to potty in it. Some large crates come with a divider that you can place inside to make a smaller space for your puppy, and expand as your dog grows.

The first step in Rottweiler potty training is to prevent as many accidents as possible at the beginning of the process. If your puppy eliminates somewhere in your house, he will probably return to that spot the next time he feels the urge to go. If you do end up with the inevitable spot on the carpet, clean it up when your pup is not watching to avoid drawing attention to the incident.

Use an enzymatic cleaner that will effectively eliminate the odor, so that you dog cannot sniff out the spot later on. Most dogs will go in the same spot they have gone before, and your goal is to teach him that his “spot” is your backyard, not your bedroom!

The other step in preventing Rottweiler potty training accidents is to take your pup outdoors frequently and consistently. Most puppies need to go to the bathroom every hour or two in the first few weeks, and this time frame will gradually stretch, as your puppy gets older. Take your pup to the yard after meals, naps and play sessions. And watch for clues like sniffing the floor or whimpering that may tell you your puppy needs to potty now.

If prevention during Rottweiler potty training is all about keeping a close eye on your pup, then what do you do when that vigilance cannot happen, such as overnight or when you are gone? The answer lies in the crate that your puppy can sleep in when you are not available to keep watch over him. This can be his den when you are sleeping or out, or even for short times at home when you are not able to keep close track of him.

Crate training should not be overused however, so make sure that young puppies still have the opportunity to go outside to eliminate every couple of hours. Many Rottweiler owners will agree that crate training is the best method of housebreaking by far.

Housebreaking your Rottweiler puppy will take patience and effort on your part, but in time, your little pup will get the idea. Make sure that your training sessions are light on punishment but heavy on praise to give your dog the right environment to learn and improve. Happy housebreaking!

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