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More dog training tips

When considering adding a new dog to the home, there are many factors to think about. When making this new addition, make sure to prepare for proper training and have the right tools on hand to make the transition easier for the puppy and yourself. While it’s possible to train a dog yourself, for those without experience in dog ownership a dog training course with your puppy will be well worth the investment.

If you have heard horror stories from dog ownership or viewed the show “It’s Me or the Dog”, make sure this doesn’t become you. Whether a new dog or one you own that has been running your house instead of you, then perhaps you are good candidates for dog training school. Often a dog will misbehave, not because it is a “bad” dog, but because of lack of training. Putting your pooch through a reputable training program will help make your relationship happy and peaceful.

What are the biggest reasons to use a dog training program instead of trying it yourself?

Using a dog training school will prevent a power struggle between you and your dog. Learning to work with your dog involves learning the right tone of voice, body language, and an effective reward system. Owning a dog is like being a parent, and the right tools keep you in charge of the dog instead of your dog in charge of you.

Dog obedience school provides young puppies and fully grown dogs the opportunity to socialize. Learning to interact with other canines is an important skill when you take your dog out. By going through a dog obedience course, owners will develop friendships for themselves and their dogs.

Dog owners that participate in a class with a formal setting will be taught commands in the premium environment. The instructor will be able to teach the owner to speak so the dog understands, and will be able to model body language needed to get results from your dog. There are tips that while simple, are often not well known to the general public. An instructor will be able to watch you work with your dog and modify things that need work.

In a classroom setting, the dog will be learning in a busy environment with distractions. This means that the skills should transfer easily to the home environment where there are not other things going on. Unlike teaching skills at home, where they may be quickly forgotten once distractions are introduced, the classroom offers multiple benefits.

By enrolling your dog in a dog training program, you are on the way to a long, satisfying friendship. A well-trained dog will ultimately be more secure, well-behaved and confident. Being able to trust his owner will give consistent results in behavior. Dogs will also be more predictable around visitors and children when the owner is in charge.

Once your dog is well trained, enjoy the benefits of pet ownership. Owning a dog will reduce your risks of illness, and provide a great outlet for exercise and social interaction as well. That will benefit you and your dog!

Lets us know below how your training is going.  Encourage others or share your horror stories (hopefully you don’t have any or they all turned out well!).  We’re certain you and your dog will be much happier after you have finished successful training.

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