Dog names

Dog owners will explain that there is no proven method for selecting a good name…

Have your dog train with the best with the right dog training DVD

If you are like me, you want a well-trained, good-mannered dog who can sit, heel…

Dog training – Crate training Pros and Cons

Debate continues about whether or not crate training dogs is healthy or harmful. A crate…

Discover the tips trainers use in advanced obedience training for dogs

Many people shun advanced obedience training because it seems too difficult a task. It's not.…

What you need to know about effective dog training tips

The best person to train your dog is you. Whoever said you can't do it…

You’ll never scoop up another living room accident again – The guide to potty training dogs

Let's face it, dogs are a man's best friend until they unload a bomb in…

Puppy potty training for the untrained dog owner

Bringing home a new puppy is one of the best things ever. Everyone is excited,…

A guide to a great dog training video

Who would've thought 20 years ago one person can make a video with nothing but…

The best gift for your pet – crate training dogs

Have you ever thought about what crate training dogs mean? To me, it sounds like…

The four foundational puppy training tips

It's finally here! You've passed by that pet store or animal shelter so many times…