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Positive dog training produces faster results

If you have ever trained a dog before you know that there are certain
things that you should remember. First you need to know that using
positive dog training techniques is normally the best way to go. To
accomplish this you should always reward your dog for good behavior
instead of punishing them from bad behavior.

That does not mean that you should never scold your dog. While this
training method needs a positive manner, there are some times where you
must be stern. Just do not scold your dog too much, because you will
get a better response for positive reinforcement. It is an important
thing to realize when you should praise your dog.

Give your dog a little treat any time he does what he is supposed to.
Whether he stays when you tell him to, relieves himself in the correct
manner, or follows any other command, be sure to praise him with a

You can reward your do in many different ways- treats, rubbing his belly, patting on the head or praises and kind words.

Your dog really wants to know that he is making you happy, and this is
why a positive dog training approach is most effective. However, don’t
keep on giving him treats when he doesn’t listen to what you say.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, scolding should not be used. Events
which may require reprimanding include jumping, barking, growling,
pulling at the leash, destruction, or accidents.

Something that you will need to remember is that if you don’t catch him
doing something, you mustn’t scold him for it. If you do, he will have
no idea why he is getting into trouble. The dog will get your point
with a short yet sharp “no!” or “bad dog!”

Let him know by the tone of your voice that you are displeased, and be
quick to respond if your dog has disobeyed you. Don’t go overboard with
the reprimands, though, because after a while your dog will just stop
paying attention to them. You should not hit him under any
circumstances. If you do hit your dog, you are just setting yourself up
for trouble.

Keep in mind that your dog is a beginner and that he is really trying
hard. This will give you some perspective on when to scold and when to
praise. Be loving and patient with your positive dog training regimen,
and both of you will enjoy it as a fun and rewarding experience.

Lee Dobbins

Lee Dobbins writes for where you can learn more about dog breeds and dog care.

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