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Pros and cons of using a head halter

Instead of using a pinch collar many dog owners are trying the head halter as a way of controlling their larger breed dogs. The head halter is a device that was adapted from a similar device used to lead horses. The halter fits around the muscle of your dog and works with the assumption that where your dog’s head goes the rest of his body will follow.

How Your Dog Will React to a Head Halter

Your dog probably easily accepts a pinch collar when you put one on him, this is because they have become accustomed to having collars put around their neck and probably are not aware of any difference between the collars. The first time you put a head halter on your dog do not expect them to accept it without putting up a small fight. Unless your dog is already use to wearing a muzzle they are not familiar with having any type of leash or collar on their face, so a head halter will be an entirely new experience for them.

How a Head Halter Can Help

The head halter will help calm nervous or hyperactive dogs, once the dog is able to adjust to having the harness on his face it actually is much easier to control the dog. The head halter prevents dogs from damaging their windpipes due to constant pulling on their normal collars. The head halter is also a great equalizer for dog owners who have dogs almost as big as them. Although the head halter is not designed to act as a muzzle it does offer a small bit of help in controlling barking and some forms of aggression.

You can find the head halter at most pet stores and even available online, they are not very expensive and require no specialized training to use them. But it is important to take precautions while using the head halter so as not to cause any damage to your dog’s neck or head. If you are not careful when using a head halter with your dog you can cause serious injury.

The head halter should be used as a transitional device while you are training your dog to listen and respond to your commands. If you only use a head halter and never teach your dog to listen to your commands, your dog will not learn how to be responsible for his own behavior. Use your voice commands in conjunction with the head halter as you train your dog and transition them to a regular collar or choke chain.

Make sure and discuss your intended use of a head halter with your veterinarian before you begin using it. If your dog has any current neck problems the head halter would not be a good choice for training your dog.

Kelly Marshall

Kelly Marshall is a popular writer - where you can find dog beds, dog steps, pet ramps, and more unique dog gear.

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