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Teaching fido tricks

As many an animal lover would know, dogs are generally a happy, loyal, and lovable breed. Sometimes we hold off adopting a puppy because training her would require too much of an effort. Fortunately, there are simple dog training tips available that cover the basics and help get you started to a colorful and rewarding relationship with your dog.

First of all, you will have to set your leader status in the dog’s eyes. Once he recognizes you as his authority he will follow you without much trouble. Establish this daily with regular routine that mirrors the animal world’s system. Allow your dog to watch you eat first and feed him only after you’re done. Don’t walk around him if he is obstructing your path. Gently force him to leave his position by pushing him out of the way. As he acknowledges you to be the leader of the pack, the easier it is to teach him in the future.

Dogs are sensitive to their handler’s emotions so you cannot show timidity or fear. Your voice should be firm and strong voice in delivering doggie commands. However, remember that dogs are especially receptive to positive reinforcement. Hand him treats each time he does something right. Be lavish in your praises to him. If he misses an order, correct him then and there, not after. Training sessions should go for ten to fifteen minutes, done a few times a day.

You will find that all dogs have consistent behavioral patterns that are a reliable index to their state of mind, so to speak. Happy dogs have wagging tails, a joyful bark and an open expression. Angry dogs will bare their teeth, snarl and tense up, ready to attack. Recognizing particular signs and correctly responding to it will help you in training him successfully.

Training dogs requires patience. It’s best to start them as young as six weeks but you can still teach an old dog new tricks. Remain calm and patient when things don’t go well at first. Be consistent and he will be able to follow in time. Don’t confuse your dogs by changing training time or systems. You might find yourself backtracking because this gets your dog confused.

When teaching your dog, do it in a place with no distractions. Colorful and moving objects can distract him and it will be harder to refocus his attention to you. A quiet backyard or any indoor fenced-in area works well

Most importantly, remember why you got your pet in the first place. Have fun! Training can be tedious and when that happens, just take a break to play and have a romp around the backyard with him. Dogs are special because they have a special ability to take your mind off pressing details and lavish you with love however bad you look or smell. The best dogs are not only those that are trained but those that make for a faithful and constant friend.

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