The primary reason for cage training is to train your puppy to accept and treat their crate as their home. They will learn to feel safe and protected in the crate and in addition they may also be easily moved as needed. Crate training puppies is mainly undertaken as a means of house-training.
The first thing to do is attempt to make the dog familiar with the crate and make it even more inviting by placing its bed inside together with toys or any other things that the puppy is familiar with, one other good idea is to reward the puppy for going in the crate as well as for remaining inside, initially for short periods of time and always leave the door open.
You should use the crate while playing with your new puppy as well as while feeding so that they will associate it with pleasurable and satisfying things, doing this will help your dog feel less afraid or anxious with the sense of being locked up, in due course when they become accustomed to it they’re going to be able to stay in the crate for extended periods of time as well as sleep in the crate without a problem.
This is great if your dog causes a lot of destruction at home when left alone. Additionally it is important during crate training to have a quiet and laid back atmosphere, your dog will find it easier to conform and feel safe and secure without having to be pressured to take action and they will embrace the crate much easier.
It is necessary for the crate to be a comfy area for the dog, so make sure you put a sheet or bed inside that will encourage them to lie down and rest so they are able to associate it with coziness, also put the dogs water and food dish inside so that they truly get the feeling that it’s their unique little area, this should help them feel much less isolated. Make sure there is also toys as well as other items to chew on in the crate, this should encourage them to only chew on those items and only while in the crate, this should help to stop them chewing on furniture, shoes or any other thing they will obtain.
Once your puppy is used to entering in and out of the crate, it’s time to teach them to remain inside for a little longer. Start with placing some doggie snacks inside, and close the doorway until they have finished eating and then allow them out once again, this will keep them busy and so they won’t worry about the door being shut. Following that gradually extend the amount of time you leave your dog, and allow them to become accustomed to getting left on their own whilst in his crate, eventually to around at least an hour.
Crate training puppies can be beneficial and useful to the overall household training of your pet.