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Dog’s urinary problems: Top 5 signs your dog has bladder problems

Can you tell when your dog is not feeling well? Chances are you can. Most dog owners are in tune to their pets, and will observe the behavioral changes that can occur when their dog is sick. In dogs, urinary problems can be hard to spot, especially if your dog urinates in the yard, instead of on a walk. Here are five most key signs exhibited by dogs with urinary problems.

1. “Accidents” in a housebroken pet. If your adult dog is suddenly having accidents indoors, this is a sure sign that something is wrong. In adult dogs urinary problems will often present first in this way, and may be accidentally assigned to a behavioral problem.

2. Straining to urinate. If your dog is having difficulty producing urine, or seems to be straining, a urinary problem may be the culprit. With dogs, urinary problems can be painful, just like they are with humans. If your dog is reluctant to urinate, it may be because it is painful for him to do so.

3. Change in activity levels. If your normally energetic and rambunctious dog is suddenly lethargic and sleepy, this is a strong clue that he is not feeling well. If your dog is exhibiting extreme lethargy, you should see your vet right away.

4. Needing a walk more (or less) often. One of the early signs dogs with urinary problems will exhibit is a need to go “out” more often. Your dog may be feeling an urgent need to relieve himself, but be unable to do so because of a urinary problem. Some dogs may do the opposite-and stop indicating they need a walk entirely. You should know how often your dog urinates normally in order to spot any behavioral changes.

5. Drinking a lot more water than usual. If your dog has been very active, or it is hot outside, he will naturally need more water. If your pet is drinking extra water in cold weather, unrelated to activity, this could be a sign of dehydration. Dogs with urinary problems are likely to become dehydrated, and may drink excessive amounts of water.

Certainly observing a dog’s urinary symptoms is the first step in recognizing a problem condition. You will need the guidance of your veterinarian to determine the severity, prognosis, and treatment. Your vet take blood and urine tests as well as perform a physical examination along with asking you some questions about your dog’s recent behavior or change in behavior.


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