2 minutes reading time (383 words)

Training a dog to walk on a leash

Dog's are naturally curious animals. It can be difficult for them to have to walk at our pace, since they are used to walking at a much quicker speed on their own. It is up to you to help him learn to walk on a leash with out pulling you along where he chooses to go.

It is important to establish your authority with your dog. Never be cruel with your animal when showing this authority. Build a good relationship with your dog as soon as you can to help with the training process.

There are a few different techniques you can use to teach your dog to walk on a leash. The technique most often used is to give a quick snap on the leash whenever your dog decides to pull on your leash. Then stop walking with the dog until he stops pulling. Then you give him positive feedback every time there is slack on the dog leash.

Find a good training collar. Be careful when you use a choke collar as they may actually damage your dog if abused. The best types of dog collar are ones that won't slip off, such as a sturdy nylon dog collar.

Find a good quality dog leash. The best size leashes are ones that are 4 to 6 feet long. Find a dog leash that is comfortable for your grip and has good craftsmanship.

Start by training your dog by having him sit on your left side, both of you facing the same direction. Start your walk with your left foot. By using your left foot every time you start your walk, it will signal to your dog that you are about to take your walk and they need to behave themselves.

Be sure to walk at your usual pace. Your dog will need to get use to the speed that you walk, and not their pace. Talk to your dog while you are walking so they have fun on the walk with you.

Stop walking after you've walked a short distance. Praise your dog and tell him what a great job he has done. Keep practicing like this a few times a day. Keep it light and fun, and your dog will know how to walk with a leash in no time.

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