Housebreaking your Rottweiler

A new puppy can be a fun addition to your family. However, puppies come with plenty of work attached, and one of the first jobs that you will need to complete successfully will be Rottweiler potty training. This process generally begins the day that you bring your puppy home, and may continue for anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months. Housebreaking requires plenty of consistency and patience on your part, but the reward in the end is a dog that does not soil your carpet, and is on the right track for other types of training.

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Proper Poodle training: What it entails

Although Poodles absolutely make wonderful dogs, it is important that anyone who is considering getting a Poodle is aware of the Poodle training process and how it is often much more difficult than that with other breeds of dog. This is because Poodles tend to be very stubborn and dominant. They are also very forgetful which is why it is important to teach them things over and over again until it is burnt into their memory.

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Training for your Chihuahua

I have heard it said that a Chihuahua is a very difficult dog to train, and this puts a lot of people off of them. But this just is not true. They are great dogs for doing tricks with, they are intelligent, and most importantly, they are highly trainable.
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Toy Pomeranians: Little dogs with big attitudes

Toy Pomeranians are easy to identify and hard to forget. They look like the world's cutest, tiniest foxes with coats twice as big as their bodies. They have a high forehead, pointed ears, huge eyes and a button nose at the end of a slightly pointed snout. Some snouts will be blunter than others. The breeding trend seems to be for a profile like that of a Chihuahua rather than that of a miniature Spitz.

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3 tips for successful dog behavior training

Many puppy owners will tell you that if they could accomplish one thing in their life, it would be some high-quality dog behavior training! Puppies seem to have a mind of their own and while they are certainly trainable, some seem as if they are purposely doing everything they can to drive their owner absolutely insane with their behavior.

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Some common mistakes in training your dog

Probably any dog owner can tell you that training your dog isn't always as easy as it seems it should be. Most owners assume that after a few days or sessions of rehearsing commands and actions then the dog should just pick up on basic skills and that should be it.

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