Raising your Bulldog pup

French Bulldog puppies are very friendly and eager to please as result of their nature. Although they are very aggressive with other dogs despite their gentle nature with humans. So you need to take the necessary time in order to properly socialize your French Bulldog puppies with other people and pets. If there is every any aggression towards humans then you need to take your puppy to a professional trainer right away.

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Intermediate dog training - Sit up, Heel & Lie down

Once your dog has accepted the Sit, Stay and Come commands, he is very likely ready to move on to Intermediate Training. At this stage, teaching him to Lie Down on command is probably your best option simply because he is already familiar with the Sit behavior.

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Dog aggression - How to prevent dog aggression towards strangers

If you have a dog that growls or acts aggressively towards strangers, it's not too late to do something about it. But first, you should understand why your dog's acting this way. Your dog's ancestors were aggressive by nature. Living in the wild meant having to hunt for food, and defend themselves from other animals. It was instinct to protect their resources like food, mate and territory.

Fortunately, selective breeding over the centuries has minimized and refined this trait significantly. Even so, it's important to understand that by nature, all dogs are physically capable of inflicting serious harm. One look at those teeth and you know this is true! While aggression is part instinctive, there is much you can do to prevent it from becoming a problem in your dog. If (for some reason) this aggression does surface, there are definite things you can do to deal with the problem.

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Biting puppy syndrome is a problem

Dogs are best-known to be man's best friend, you as the owner of the dog, are responsible for training your dog, if you want him to live up to being mans best friend. when you take home that cute little dog it has a loving and rambunctious nature. What he requires is discipline and that's you come into play.

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Beagle's temperament makes them easy to train

BeagleFinding the perfect pet for a family with small children can be a daunting task, with many small breeds that may be good with kids, the Beagle is about the most well rounded breed for children. Its even temper and eagerness to please their owners, makes the Beagle an ideal animal for indoor company.

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Different ways to train your dog

This article is written so that you might be aware of the various forms of dog training aids that are available to you. Every dog owner must take up dog training to know and handle a dog better. Appreciating a well-mannered dog is something that all can do, training is what makes things difficult. Now, there are many kinds of dog training available but not all will suit your dog.

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