Adventure Kitty: Top Tips for Traveling With Your Cat

Traveling with your cat is a great way to let them interact with new sights, smells, and surroundings. However, the top priority should always be their safety and comfort; if you’re going to travel with your cat, you need to do it right. Here are our top tips for your adventure kitty.

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  300 Hits

Do Persian cats need a special diet?

Ah, the beloved Persian cat! Why do people love them so? It's easy – the are gorgeous cats that come in a wide range of lovely colors and have gentle and sweet personalities to match. They are a good choice for most families although along with all this loveliness comes a few considerations. It should be taken into consideration that they do require more grooming than the average short-haired cat, they can occasionally be picky eaters and can have sensitive tummies. But the question is – do they need to eat a special diet formulated just for Persians?

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  655 Hits

Finicky cat eaters

So, we have all heard of a “finicky” eater, right? In most cases, it applies to kids. But, what do you do if you have a finicky cat on your hands?

Before you run out and start spending hundreds of dollars on specialty cat food, it’s best to take a look at some in-home remedies first. The problem may be as simple as your feeding bowl. Some cat actually has trouble eating from a bowl that is too small or too light.

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Vaccinating your cat

Getting your cat properly vaccinated is essential to its health. In fact, before vaccinations became more commonly place, many cats died on a regular basis from a condition called panleukopenia, which is more commonly known as feline distemper. They were also more likely to die from upper respiratory infections such as herpesvirus and calcivirus.

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  275 Hits

Should You Declaw Your Cat?

Here is a question for the ages among cat lovers - "Should you declaw your cat?". There are so many sides to this one that we are going to try and explore the main reasons for and against, giving you as much information that you need to make a responsible decision.

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  238 Hits

6 Ways To Keep Your Cat Happy In A Small Apartment

There's nothing like the sound of purring when you wake up in the morning. Apartment cats are on the rise, with more and more people opting to go for these cute friends that aren't attention (nor time) consuming like dogs. That said, it's also a fact that more people than ever are now living in urban areas, opting for apartments rather than houses. Living with a cat in a small apartment can be tough for both of you, at least unless you take some steps to make it more comfortable.

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