Any pet owner worth their salt knows that taking care of a pet is a lifetime commitment. However, for seniors who are facing difficult transitions during their golden years, this commitment can be put to the ultimate test. With increasing medical needs and mobility limitations to contend with, older adults often have to make the decision to explore senior housing options where they can get more comprehensive care and adequate assistance. Unfortunately, this makes for an uncertain future for their furry companions.
If you’re finding yourself in this situation, know that being parted from your beloved pet is not a foregone conclusion. In fact, there are considerations worth exploring that could ensure that you and your pet will have more years in companionable bliss.
Your Choice of Facility
These days, the value of pet ownership for seniors is well known and very much appreciated. Beyond the companionship that they offer, pets have been known to make great exercise partners for seniors so that they remain more active. Best of all, they also offer older adults a sense of purpose and stress relief. Because of these benefits (and others), more and more assisted living facilities not only allow pet ownership, but many of them even encourage it, so it’s really just the matter of finding the right one for you.
As a rule of thumb, make sure to do plenty of research and ask the right questions when finding a pet-friendly facility. Many facilities impose rules on the kinds of animals or breeds that you can take, as well as size, temperament, and the like. The number of pets you want to take with you will also be a huge consideration, as well as pet-related fees. It’s definitely wise to check out several facilities before making a choice.
The Help You Can Get
And while on the subject of pet care, be aware that it’s actually not included as a service in many facilities, so it’s more than prudent to set your expectations accordingly. As an alternative, you can consider getting pet care help in case you’re indisposed. A pet sitter, for one, is necessary if you’re sick or traveling. But of course, you don’t want to leave your pet in the care of just anyone, so make sure to know what to look for when hiring a sitter.
There are also veterinarians who do house calls. No doubt, having one as a contact will ease the hassle of vet visits, which, in turn, will be useful to you as a senior in many ways.
The Essentials You Need to Stock Up On
The bulk of caring for your pet still falls on you, even when you move into assisted living. But as you get older, this will inevitably come with challenges. For instance, cleaning up after your pet and feeding it will entail constantly bending over, which can cause discomfort and even put you at risk of falls. With this in mind, it’s necessary that you keep your living space furnished with pet supplies that not only serve your pet’s needs but yours, too. For instance, you can make cleaning up after your cat easier and less messy in many ways with a sifting litter box. Make sure to compare different models based on ease of use, quality, and price.
Among the other supplies you will need are food and water bowls. There are raised variants that you can consider, or you can set up the standard kind on a higher platform for more ease on your back. There are even automatic food and water dispensers that will undoubtedly help, as they do away with the need for constant refills, so it’s less effort on your part.
Suffice it to say, you and your pet really do not need to be parted in your golden years. With a good amount of due diligence and the right tools and resources on hand, you can both look forward to a long and happy life together.
Photo via Pexels
Thanks for this article… very helpful!