Truck driving is becoming a popular alternative career for people who enjoy road trips and traveling. However, some folks might hesitate to get started if it means leaving their beloved pets at home. Here’s the good news: you can take your pet on the road with you! Read our ultimate guide to truck driving with your pet.
Introducing Your Truck to Your Pet
The first step to trucking with a pet is to show them the inside of the cab and let them sniff around. It’s just like introducing your pet to a new home. After they’ve explored, you can start feeding them inside the cab, playing with them, or even having them sleep beside you in the cab to get used to trucking life.
Taking Care of Necessities
Cats and dogs need plenty of food and water in order to stay happy and healthy. You can put their meals in bowls velcroed to the truck floor, on nonskid mats, or in deep bowls that won’t spill. Litterboxes are easy to deal with too—as long as you clean them daily and deodorize with baking soda, you won’t smell a thing!
Exercise and Play
The nice thing about cats is that they sleep for much of the day, and they’re small enough to be able to play inside the truck. Large dogs, on the other hand, will need some time to run around after several hours on the road, so be sure to visit truck stops beside a nice grassy area.
Protecting Your Truck
While it’s possible for your pets to damage the inside of a truck’s cabin, you won’t need to worry unless your pet is particularly destructive. Get your cat a scratching post, and put a seat cover over the passenger chair. Otherwise, you could end up needing to replace your semitruck seat sooner than you expected.
We hope this ultimate guide to truck driving with your pet has been helpful. Truck driving can be a lucrative and easy-going career if you’ve got good company with you!