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What do birds like to eat

What do birds like to eat? Here we come to my favorite topic: I am a great glutton so that is why I try to please my birds!  My main parrot food is millet. It is sold in every ”bird feed” shop. You should make sure there is always enough millet in the bird cage. And don’t worry, birds know how much to eat. They also enjoy oats very much but only unpeeled, absolutely natural oats which are very difficult to find. They are usually only seen as an addition in combined foods as a compromise variant oat kernels can be given.

Birds also enjoy sunflower seeds, but not baked of course. Give sunflower seeds to your bird only a few times per month because it contains a lot of fat and your pet bird gets stout. Also before giving it to your bird it is a good idea to crush it slightly (thus they will consume it more easily).

They absolutely adore fresh vegetables! They die for cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, peppers, and pepper seeds (be sure they are not hot!). They also eat cabbage. Be careful with nitrates! They are particularly harmful to birds and can even kill them.  If it is possible avoid buying foods cultivated in greenhouses.  

Why are birds so attracted to cucumbers?

Birds are attracted to cucumbers because they contain high levels of vitamin B6, which helps regulate metabolism and energy levels. In addition, cucumbers also contain calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, and fiber.

birds eatingOther “green foods” that they like very much are ordinary fresh and tender grass, such as ryegrass and clover especially couch – grass. Something that you should never give them however is parsley! I suspect the reason is it inhibits the absorption of calcium.

Give them fresh fruit whenever you can and especially apples (they like cores because of the seeds), pears, plums, and also pumpkin. I haven’t noticed them to like citrus fruit that much. All fruit and vegetables should be well washed.

Give them a hard-boiled egg (a quarter of an egg per two birds) at least once a month. From it, they supply themselves with proteins and vitamin D.  Don’t throw the shell away either! Give it to them finely crushed. It provides them with calcium.

Another resource of calcium is chalk. Birds gnaw it when they are hungry so be sure to always provide chalk in the cage. Birds also like eating bread. It doesn’t matter what kind it is. Put a piece of slightly damped bread between the bars and they will jump on it!

There should always be sand in the bird cage (that is why I told you in the beginning that you should buy two vessels for food). They need the sand in order to assimilate food easier. Food does not go to the bird’s stomach directly.  Before that, it stays for some time in its throat. They’re due to enzymes and the sand, all grain foods that they eat get broken to pieces, get soft, and get digested preliminary. The sand should be fine, that is why you must sift it well to remove the coarse fractions because they can block the bird’s throat. It is extremely important to wash the sand, and boil it for a short time in hot water, then dry it and only then give it to your bird. Sea–sand is very appropriate, but it must be well–washed to remove any ocean salt!!!

I hope this article gave you some new ideas of food items you can feed your bird friends that will make their life more enjoyable and provide good nutrition for your feathery friend!

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Geomil Georgiev

Geomil Georgiev is owner and editor of where you can find information on every type of pet birds. BirdsComfort provides detailed information in decorative, large, custom, acrylic, antique, wooden, and discount bird cages sale, as well as cage covers,bird cage play stands, bird perches, bird toys, bird swings and bird foods.

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