If you wish to have a ferret, you will in all likelihood have more luck buying them from a breeder or an animal shelter instead of a pet shop. This is because it needs some time and effort to care for these pets particularly since they call for constant attention.
For those who chance to find a breeder using either the newspaper or the World Wide Web, it is always better to ask for some pictures first before you make any decision to buy your pet. If you do decide you want it, then you will have to fill out some forms and then pay for it and it will be ready to be taken home on the same day.
Ferrets can be bought at any age group. If you want to raise a new born black-footed ferret, make certain to ask the breeder about ferret care. Although these charismatic little creatures can already see, their vision is still very limited. You will have to keep there cage clean at all times, this will help to prevent any disease or accidental injuries. As they get older, it is best to toilet train them.
Adults on the opposite hand are quite different but just the same, they have to be toilet trained and your house has to be ferret proofed to prevent any chewing damage to your home.
The cost of a ferret will depend on their size and age. On average, they cost around $75 to $125. Aside from that, you will also have to buy a a couple of other items like a cage, litter box, toys and you should visit your veterinary for any vaccinations that are necessary.
Another thing you need to know before going to purchase a ferret, is finding out if it is legal to own one where you live. You can do so by checking with the local wildlife and game department, so if you need to get a licence, this needs be done to avoid any problems later on.
When purchasing a ferret, pay close attention to the eyes, their coating and their behaviour. The more active the animal is the better. If you are concerned that the ferret might reproduce later on, there is no need to worry because they are usually spayed.
Once your black-footed ferret has been bought, the job of taking care of the ferret is in your hands and although it sleeps for more than 18 hours a day, once it is awake, it is very active and you will need to let it out of its cage and let it run about and have its daily exercise.
To keep your pet healthy, you will need to find a veterinary that is qualified to manage such a animal. If the one near where you live is not able to do the job, ask around for somebody that can.
Diet is one of the most important things to consider, since they need to eat poultry or meat products that are high in protein and have low levels of fat. You should also avoid giving any food to your ferret that is high in carbs and sugar. You must never substitute their food with food that is intended for other animals, this is done to prevent health problems that may take place because of an incorrect diet.
Ferrets Out are enchanting creatures. If you have seen one on tv or in the pictures and wish to have one, then just explore the Internet and you are assured to find plenty of ferret sellers there.