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3 best essential oils to calm your pet

(NOTE: PLEASE SEE OUR UPDATES BELOW FOR THIS ARTICLE – THERE HAVE BEEN NUMEROUS ISSUES RECENTLY WITH THE USE OF ESSENTIAL OILS – ESPECIALLY WITH CATS – USE WITH CAUTION!!) Animals are special because they live in the present and exude an air of happiness, innocence and unconditional love to their people. Our pets love us just as much as we love them. However, ever once in a while, a “crazy” one enters our lives! But we still love them so much!


For example, the pup with attachment issues who destroys your home when you’re at work. Or, how about the cat who hides for ever when a friend comes to visit. Or, what about the dog who won’t go potty if it’s raining outside? Have you heard these stories before?

My cat’s, Sammie and Max, love to hang out on our screened-in patio. But whenever the garbage truck comes rolling in, they flee for their lives!It might sound crazy to us, but whatever your animal’s fears or wacky behaviors may be, they are completely legitimate in their minds.

Using essential oils on our animal friends can really help to lessen their stress, in a major way! Animals respond very well to the application of essential oils, due to their heightened senses. Wild animals know to eat and rub up against certain plants to ease their ailments. But, in our homes they don’t have access to these healing plants. By applying essential oils to your animals, you give them the gift of greater health.

Here are the 3 best essential oils to calm your animal friends:

Lavender (not for cats!), Roman Chamomile and Peace & Calming

These 3 essential oils can be used to help your pet with; separation issues, anxiety, hyperactivity, abuse, trauma, sadness, trips to the vet’s office, loss of another pet and any other circumstance that causes your pet distress.

Please know that less is more when applying essential oils to animals. Animals are very sensitive.

You should also dilute the essential oils with a carrier oil, such as organic olive oil, found in most grocery stores. The dilution ratio for dogs and horses is 1 part essential oil with 1 part carrier oil. For cats the dilution ratio is 1 part essential oil to 10 parts carrier oil.

Use caution with cats! Any of the essential oils listed in this article are safe for dogs and horses, however; cats are a different story! Cats are extremely sensitive to essential oils containing phenols, such as oregano and thyme. Cats can not effectively metabolize phenols because they lack an enzyme in their liver to digest the phenols. Avoid Peace & Calming essential oil blend on your cat, as it does contain phenols. Lavender and Roman Chamomile essential oils ARE safe for cats.
(PUBLISHER NOTE:) If you notice ANY issues with your pets – especially your cats you should contact the PETPOISONHELPLINE and your Vet immediately.  We don’t endorse the use of any of these oils and urge caution and care. 

From the PetPoisonHelpline: Essential oils can pose a toxic risk to household pets, especially to cats. They are rapidly absorbed both orally and across the skin, and are then metabolized in the liver. Cats lack an essential enzyme in their liver and as such have difficulty metabolizing and eliminating certain toxins like essential oils. Cats are also very sensitive to phenols and phenolic compounds, which can be found in some essential oils. The higher the concentration of the essential oil (i.e. 100%), the greater the risk to the cat. Inhalation of strong odors or fragrances can cause some cats to develop a watery nose or eyes, a burning sensation in the nose/throat, nausea leading to drooling and/or vomiting, and difficulty breathing. Difficulty breathing in a cat is evidenced by labored breathing, fast breathing, panting, coughing, or wheezing. NONE of these signs are normal in cats. A coughing episode in a cat can be mistaken by owners for the cat trying to vomit up a hairball. However, in this case the cat crouches low to the ground, with little to no abdominal movement that is more typical of vomiting. No hairball is produced. Cats suffering such symptoms need to be moved immediately into fresh air, and require emergency veterinary treatment should their symptoms not quickly resolve once they are in fresh air. Cats with pre-existing respiratory issues such as asthma, airborne allergies, or cats exposed to second hand smoke from their human companions, are at greater risk for developing severe respiratory irritation than cats without such conditions.

Essential oils that are known to cause poisoning in cats include oil of wintergreen, oil of sweet birch, citrus oil (d-limonene), pine oils, Ylang Ylang oil, peppermint oil, cinnamon oil, pennyroyal oil, clove oil, eucalyptus oil, and tea tree oil. Symptoms that develop depend on the type of oil involved in the exposure and can include drooling, vomiting, tremors, ataxia (wobbliness), respiratory distress, low heart rate, low body temperature, and liver failure.

How to apply essential oils on dogs, horses and cats:

To help calm your dog: Mix 1 drop of lavender, Roman chamomile or Peace & Calming essential oil with 1 drop of carrier oil. Then, rub this mixture into your dog’s pads, ears or through the fur anytime he/she is having anxiety.

To calm your horse: Mix together 1 drop of lavender or Roman chamomile essential oil with one drop of carrier oil. Rub this onto your horse’s cornet bands, tips of the ears or on their muzzle. Apply at any time that your horse is in distress.

To calm your cat: Mix together 1 drop of Roman chamomile essential oil with TEN drops of carrier oil. Rub this onto your cat’s pads, tips of the ears or comb through their fur. Apply at any time that your cat is in distress. [NOTE: Always watch any animal but especially your cat with using essential oils]

All of the essential oils listed in this article are excellent for human use, as well! Simply apply a drop or two (undiluted) to your wrists, behind your ears or on your shoulders.

The next time you open a bottle of lavender essential oil, try sharing some with your animal friends! They’ll love it!

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