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4 things you should do to safely enjoy the summer with your dog

The warn summer weather invites us to go outside and spend good time with our families and pets. Keep reading to learn more about how to safely enjoy this time of the year with your four-legged friend.

  1. Bring a Life Vest for Your Dog

Summer is the best time of the year to pursue water activities that you and your dog will enjoy. Make sure that you are safe during boat trips and other water activities by bring life vests for you and your dog.

Although most dogs are natural swimmers, that does not mean that they are exempt from water accidents. This is especially true for dogs who are not used to being in the water.  There are life vests created specifically for dogs that will give you peace of mind during your trip. EDITOR NOTE: Kurgo offers a nice selection of life vests for your dog.  Check them out online at!


  1. Pack Some Dog Stuff. Consider bringing a backpack or a bag with your dog’s stuff. You should bring pre-measured food stored in plastic baggies, food and portable water bowls, a dog first aid kit, dog toys, an extra leash and collar with identification tags, and bedding. EDITOR NOTE: Check out the great selction of travel bowls and other accessories for your pet at!)

Portable water bowls are essential if you are planning and outdoor activity with your dog during the warm summer months. Having a portable dog water bowl will allow you to provide clean fresh water to your dog and prevent dehydration and the serious consequences that it can carry.

What should you include in a dog first aid kit?

  • Phone Numbers. Bring the phone number of one or two emergency veterinary clinics in the area where you are camping) and the Animal Poison Control Center (888-426-4435).
  • A Copy of Your Dog’s Medical Record. Bring a copy of your dog’s medical record that includes his/her vaccinations, information about any previous allergic reactions and the medications that he/she is currently taking or has received in the past.
  • Gauzes. You can use them to wrap wounds or to muzzle a wounded animal.
  • Nonstick bandages. These will become handy to control bleeding.
  • Adhesive tape. Use adhesive tape to secure bandages and wraps.
  • Hydrogen peroxide or clorhexidine. This will be useful to disinfect superficial wounds or scratches. 
  • Muzzle. You can use a rope, necktie, soft cloth, nylon stocking or a small towel to muzzle your pet.
  1. Know If Your Dog Can Come with You. Some parks and campgrounds do not accept pets, so it is best to do your research a few days in advance. National parks and places where there’s a protected balance of nature, have certain rules and regulations about animals; you can look up for these regulations at the park’s website (if they have one). State parks and national forests are usually more inviting for dog owners, but there are still regulations that you may need to know. If they do accept dogs, make sure that you know and understand their policies about pets.
  2. Prevent Diseases. Some insects such as fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes are disease vectors; this means that they can transmit diseases between animals and, in some cases, from animals to humans and vice-versa. It is a good idea to apply a flea and tick preventive, as well as, make sure that your dog is current on his/her heartworm medication before you go camping. Lyme disease is a serious disease transmitted by certain ticks in North America, ask your vet about Lyme disease risk in your area or, if you are traveling long distances, about the risk at your destination. Your dog may need to get a shot to prevent Lyme disease. 

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Dr. Stephanie Flansburg-Cruz

Dr. Stephanie Flansburg-Cruz practices mixed animal veterinary medicine and she has a special interest in shelter medicine and animal welfare. Stephanie enjoys volunteering at local animal shelters, reading, writing and traveling. 

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3 years ago

Very helpful tips to keep your dog safe during the hot summers we have here! Thanks!!:D

Pet Lover
Pet Lover
3 years ago

Summer has been so hot this year. Appreciate this!! 😀

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