A proper boarding stable is essential to the health and safety of your horses. If you don’t own property where you can build one to your standards, the next best thing is to rent a stable. As an equestrian, you’ll need to survey a few different options before settling on one. Here’s what you need to look for in a boarding stable.
Boarding Expenses
The most expensive payment you can make as an equestrian has nothing to do with the price of your horse, but rather the price of the items your horse needs. Boarding expenses can range anywhere from $350 to $400 a month. You can always find cheaper prices but you’ll need to see what type of care the stable provides for their prices.
We recommend surveying a few different locations before deciding on one. By scheduling appointments to see each stable and having a list of questions prepared for the owners before you make your choice, you can feel confident you’re choosing the option that works best with your budget and provides the proper care for your horse.
Care Options
Though full care is the most expensive option, it comes with additional perks. If privacy is important to you, you might consider this option because your horse will get its own stall. Some equestrians prefer this option to avoid the possibility of exposing their horses to sickness.
The self-care board option does not include a staff caring for your horse around the clock the way full care or pasture care would. You only pay to keep your horse on their property and you’re responsible for their care. If you don’t live close enough to the stables, this is not the choice for you. Always factor in location when making your decision.
Facility Requirements
Depending on the care package you choose make sure the requirements are up to your standards. If you choose to have a single stall for your horse, carefully survey the facility to ensure they have all the proper compartments in place for the horse’s safety.
You’ll want your horses to reside in a well-designed barn that keeps them comfortable. This is where they will spend most of their downtime, so you’ll want to ensure the overall structure is sound. Make sure they offer stalls with metal chew guards to prevent the horses from chewing on the exposed wood. Ask them what their daily nutrition routine looks like and ensure the water supply is always fresh.
Introduction Process
Though temporary, this is your horse’s new home. Therefore, their comfort is your top priority. Ask the stable owners what their horse introduction process looks like. Do they separate mares and geldings? Do they integrate them with others immediately or gradually?
They may have a specific process that they’ve found to be helpful and beneficial for horses, but it may not suit your horse. Express to them your concerns and see what options they have to accommodate. The introduction process could affect your horse’s entire mood regarding the facility.
You’ll probably have additional questions regarding what one should look for in boarding stables, but these are the top four aspects we recommend to help get you started.