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Help Your Pet Overcome Vacuum Anxiety With These Tips

Fear in the presence of vacuum cleaners is incredibly common in pets, especially cats and dogs. Their sensitive hearing can amplify the already overpowering noise of the machine, and they can feel threatened by its sudden movements and vibrations. However, you can help your pet overcome vacuum anxiety. Here are some tips to help you do just that.

Try Exposure Training

Your vacuum probably spends most of its time hidden in the closet. When it’s pulled out, your pet views it as foreign and scary, especially after it starts growling and vibrating!

Exposure training gets your pet used to the vacuum’s presence little by little. Start by allowing your pet to observe the vacuum while it is turned off. Encourage curiosity by letting them sniff the device from a safe distance.

After a while, start pushing the vacuum around while it’s off. This helps your pet get used to its movements without the traumatizing sounds.

After even more time, you can introduce the sound by turning it on for short periods while ensuring your pet remains calm. This exposure training helps desensitize them and reduces their anxiety over time.

Reward Calmness Around the Vacuum

Positive reinforcement is the best way to instill any behavior in pets, particularly dogs. Whenever your pet remains calm in the presence of the vacuum, reward them with high-value treats and shower them with praise.

Doing so will help reinforce positive behavior, making your pet associate the vacuum with good experiences instead of fear.

Give Your Pet a Safe Place To Retreat to

Over time, your pet should get used to the vacuum with enough exposure and positive reinforcement. However, this can be a long journey, and there will be times when your pet just needs a safe space to retreat.

If they don’t already have a nook away from the main parts of your living space, create one. Add a plush bed, plenty of toys, and some water. Try making the environment even more relaxing by using aromatherapy and its benefits and playing videos or music designed to entertain and calm pets.

Give It Time

As we mentioned, your pet might take a long time to resolve their fear. This is normal, especially if they’re older. These tips to help your pet overcome vacuum anxiety will slowly help your furry friend be at peace with this powerful cleaning device—just give it time.

Emma Radebaugh

Emma is a writer and editor passionate about providing accessible, accurate information. Her work is dedicated to helping people of all ages, interests, and professions with useful, relevant content.

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