Crucial saltwater aquarium supplies

Saltwater aquarium supplies are essential if you want the integrity of the tank in which…

Add those supplements

Saltwater aquariums compared to freshwater ones need far more attention to maintain them; especially if…

Best practices for taking Poodle pictures

You don't have to hire a professional to get professional looking pictures of your dog.…

Hiking with your dog: What to take with you

Taking your dog on a hike with you can be an enjoyable experience, provided you…

Avoiding fruits that are dangerous to your pet

Although fruit is good for humans, there are fruits that you should avoid feeding to…

Deciding how to best feed your pet

Deciding how much to feed your pet and what kind of food you should feed…

Do you have fleas?

Every pet owner worries about the possibility if dealing with fleas. After all, these little…

Health benefits of owning a pet

It's often stated that dogs are a man's best friend. However, that also rings true…

Choices for names for your pet birds

The sky is the limit when finding creative names for your pet bird. The name…

Diabetes and your pet

Most people have heard of diabetes, but few realize that diabetes is a disease that…