“Rules of the Road” When traveling with your pet

You’re all packed and ready to hit the open road with Fido and Fluffy for…

Improving your child’s behavior by getting a dog

If you want a creative way to help improve your child's behavior, then you might…

Are pets at risk for mad cow disease? Yes!

In 2001 and again in 2003 The Harvard Center for Risk Analysis looked at the…

Snow days!

This past weekend, New York City had its most prominent snowstorm of the season, dropping…

Don’t abuse your pets or other animals when you’re stressed

Everybody deals with stress and anxiety, however some people sometimes take it out on their…

How our pets can reduce our stresses and anxieties

Animals and our pets can be a great way to reduce our every day stresses…

Pets not the only ones who benefit when you donate to animal shelters

Today in America thousands of animals are homeless and completely lack the hope of joining…

Dogs and cats need healthy teeth and gums

Your pet’s dental care is important; it is an integral part of your pet's health.…

Adopting a dog – Puppy or adult?

Everyone is surely going to get excited when trying to adopt a dog. Truly a…

You make bath time lots of fun!

There are two words in nearly every pet parent’s life that can instill fear and…