Grains Parrot feeding, quick recipes

Most often, birds like the taste of grains which are a good combination of nutrients:…

Angelfish Aquarium and Care

Angelfish is a large breed. The Pterophyllum spp. Cichlidae family includes the black Angel come…

Aquarium and Fish Care Needs

After you have purchased your aquarium, filters, heaters, gravel, floss, buffers, food, fish, and so…

Aquarium and Fish Care Support

How to maintain Goldfish: Most of the accidents in aquarium fish tragedies occur from the…

Carp Aquarium and Fish Care

Somewhere down in the drain ditches, ponds, and fast-moving streams are the little wonders of…

Callichthyidae Fish Care and Aquariums

Catfish armored with barbels coming from Trinidad and South America are the Mail and Armored…

Aquarium and Fish Care

In all there are more than 20,000 types of fish. There is virtually no way…

Fancy Fish and Aquarium Care

If you had the chance to explore all saltwater and freshwater fish, it would take…

Can a tropical fish tank keep you healthy?

Studies have shown that people who own a tropical fish are calmer and suffer from…

12 Mistakes People make with Their Birds

I don’t know any one who started out wanting anything less than a loving home…